The Forrester B2C CDP Wave
Discover why Forrester named ActionIQ a Leader in the Forrester B2C CDP Wave with this complimentary report, and see how you can start boosting your business goals with better customer experiences, enabled by a cutting-edge composable architecture.
A Customer Data Platform (CDP) connects all of your customer data to the experiences that engage and grow your audience — impacting your revenue goals, your customer experience goals and your team’s operational goals.
But navigating the benefits and risks of each CDP out there means you need buying tools that offer impartial insights into the features, functionality and strategic direction of each solution.
That’s where the Forrester B2C CDP Wave comes in.
The Forrester B2C CDP Wave is designed to help organizations understand the strength of each CDP in the market.
In this complimentary Forrester B2C CDP Wave, you’ll get:
- An impartial view into each CDP’s position in the market
- The strength of the product, service, customer experience and marketing execution
- Insights into the strength of features for each solution, including AI