Nitay Joffe

Nitay Joffe - why out-of-the-box AI for marketers falls short

To unlock value hidden in customer data, brands have been adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions at a breakneck pace. However, if your brand is relying on out-of-the-box algorithms, you may…

Data scientists love the analytical work of building and testing new algorithms. Data wrangling—the work of hunting for, validating, connecting, and combining data sets—not so much. In a new article…

Nitay Joffe - how an enterprise CDP fosters productive teams

For developers, it’s called “hack mode.” For drummers, it is being “in the groove.” Eminent positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi built his carrying studying this state. It is that wonderful feel…

Nitay Joffe - 5 hard questions to ask customer data partners

With the advent of GDPR, global brands face new sweeping limits on the way they store, use, and share customer data. “And compliance does not end at the boundaries of…

Data has a way of pushing organizations to rush. There’s an urgency to catch up to data-driven competitors, and pressure to build a full-fledged data department immediately. That can cause…

Marketers often ask me “what are low hanging fruits for AI?” My answer is always the same, the two promising areas are triggers and personalization. There are many products in…