Andreessen Horowitz: ActionIQ
Martin Casado, general partner at Andreessen Horowitz was enrolled at Stanford’s Computer Science PhD program with Tasso Argyros. Throughout the years they have remained in contact. In Casado’s blog he outlines why Andreessen Horowitz is making in an investment in ActionIQ.
Casado notes in his post that under the guidance of Tasso and Nitay, ActionIQ is addressing a deep technology problem in that it is not easy for companies to ingest large amounts of data from different sources and easily be able to access this data providing the analysis needed to develop more personalized programs. Having all of this data accessible to marketing for the first time is truly giving marketers the power to be able to develop highly personalized programs. As Casado mentions “This is truly a revolutionary idea.” Casado also notes “Tasso and Nitay are just the team to do this.”
Read the rest of the blog here.